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プロフェッショナルとしての誇りが持てる職場A workplace where you can take pride as a professional
若手技術者のリーダー 根倉さんYoung engineer leader Nekura

As a leader of young engineers, I mainly manage the total work process within the factory. In addition to responding to estimates from customers, I am also responsible for inquiries from outside the company, which has made me realize the weight of my responsibility.
Perhaps the most appealing aspect of this job is that it is analog. We value the human sense of actually seeing the product with one's own eyes and touching it with one's fingertips.
With the advent of IT and the aging of craftsmen, small factories are facing a crisis of survival. However, we are confident that our technology has the potential to continue to develop in the future. Our products are carefully polished one by one by technicians with sharp fingers. We believe that the precision polishing performed in micron units is the result of technology that cannot be reproduced by AI.
After much trial and error, when you are able to achieve a quality that you are satisfied with, there is an indescribable sense of accomplishment. At the same time, you may also feel as if your mind and body are becoming sharper. Our company is a workplace where you can not only have "excellent technology" but also "pride as a professional."

育まれたのは一生モノの技術と社会人としての基盤What I gained were lifelong skills and a solid foundation as a professional.
現場のサブリーダー、社内教育担当 山川さんSite Sub-Leader, In-House Training Supervisor Yamakawa

I am responsible for the operations and production planning, as well as sales and progress management, at both the head office and the Chubu branch. I work backward from the delivery deadlines to set weekly production targets, and when support is needed, I provide assistance to various departments as required. At the Chubu branch, in addition to operations management, I also handle internal training. In the "monozukuri" (manufacturing) field, the required skill level for both technicians and managers increases year by year. I have gained my experience as a professional by learning from my senior colleagues and customers. Now, I want to support and mentor my juniors with the same dedication.
Operating machinery and mastering grinding techniques may seem straightforward at first glance, but they are profoundly complex. The production process is intricate, and achieving a product that meets my standards requires significant time and effort. Despite these challenges, I continue to find fulfillment in my work because of the colleagues who push each other to improve and the supportive seniors who warmly guide us. Before joining the company, I imagined the factory as a place where taciturn craftsmen worked silently. However, many of our technicians are cheerful and talkative. Communication among employees is lively, and the atmosphere is always friendly. We often get so caught up in our conversations that we almost forget when break time is over!

高度な技術を要するぶん、美しい仕上がりに達成感The advanced skills required make achieving a beautiful finish all the more rewarding.
入社5年目、後輩が入社し、目下指導中 富田さんFifth year with the company, currently training new junior employees Tomita

I am responsible for one of the three machines and provide technical guidance to junior colleagues. Grinding requires a craftsman's touch, with a keen sense of hand precision and meticulous processing skills. When I joined the company at the age of 29, having switched careers, I initially felt anxious and confused. However, my seniors warmly reassured me, saying, "Take your time, there's no rush." The training was well-supported, and it was comforting to know that someone would always lend a hand when I faced difficulties. As a beginner, I was relieved to be able to learn the techniques thoroughly and at my own pace.
It took me about three years to master the techniques and be trusted with operating the machines independently. The work is complex, but the sense of accomplishment when holding a beautifully finished product is immense. Now, I am completely captivated by the depth of stainless steel polishing. Our company stands out in the industry for having a workplace where young technicians thrive. The company culture respects employee autonomy and encourages new challenges, creating a lively environment with active exchanges of ideas among colleagues. It's a homey and open workplace that we are proud of.

最も重要視したのは「長く働ける職場かどうか」The most important consideration was whether it was a workplace where I could work for a long time.
入社1年目、新入社員、就活生に一番近いポジション 竹内さんFirst year with the company, new hire, closest position to job seekers Takeuchi

When I was job hunting, the most important factor for me was work-life balance. To work long-term, I wanted a workplace where I could clearly separate my work hours from my private time and also utilize my previous experience working in an ironworks. In this regard, our company is ideal as there is almost no overtime or weekend work. The company has a bright atmosphere with many young technicians, making it easy to fit in quickly. Although I was a complete beginner in stainless steel polishing, I am still learning. When I encounter difficulties, I consult with senior colleagues and take notes to accumulate data for myself. Polishing is a precise task that relies heavily on intuitive skills. Although I still struggle often, I am working to understand the key points and gain experience to improve my proficiency. It seems it will take some more time to become fully proficient, but the company is understanding and encourages me by saying, "It's normal not to get it right at first. Take your time and go at your own pace." The workplace is full of fun and friendly people, making it a place where I want to work for a long time.