センターレス研磨、精密丸棒、チョコ停対策、ステンレス鋼の加工なら精研工業株式会社 For centerless polishing, precision round bars, prevent shor-term stoppages, and stainless steel processing, Seiken Kogyo Co., Ltd.

  • TOP>
  • チョコ停防止のために

チョコ停防止のためにTo prevent short-term stoppages

〈チョコ停とドカ停〉<Choco-stop and Doka-stop>

〈チョコ停とドカ停〉<Choco-stop and Doka-stop>


"Choco-stop" is an abbreviation for "Chocotto-stop".
The production line will stop for a short time due to some kind of problem. On the other hand, "Doka-stop" is an abbreviation for "Dokatto-stop".
This refers to the suspension of factory equipment, machinery, and production activities for an extended period of time.


Once a long-term stoppage occurs, it has a big impact on production activities, so it is easy to become obvious, but a short stoppage can be restored in a short time, the restoration work is carried out by on-site workers, and it occurs frequently on a daily basis. It often goes unnoticed and is overlooked.


However, these short-term stoppages often accumulate and lead to a significant drop in equipment utilization, which is also the biggest reason why automated driving equipment cannot be automated.

〈チョコ停の原因は?〉<What is the cause of the Choco-stop? >

〈チョコ停の原因は?〉<What is the cause of the Choco-stop? >


The main causes of these short stoppages are operator errors, equipment malfunctions, and defective materials. Of these, operator errors and equipment malfunctions can be prevented by the company, but material defects cannot be prevented by the company, nor can it be predicted when they will occur. For some customers, more than 50% of the Choco-stops are due to the materials. Specifically, the problems include runout (bending) and clogging of materials due to wide tolerances such as diameter tolerance, cylindricity, and roundness, and variations within the tolerances.

〈精研工業は材料に起因するチョコ停の撲滅に貢献します〉<Seiken Kogyo contributes to the eradication of short stoppages caused by materials>

〈精研工業は材料に起因するチョコ停の撲滅に貢献します〉<Seiken Kogyo contributes to the eradication of short stoppages caused by materials>


We often hear from manufacturers of machined parts, "Well, I would like to use abrasive materials. It makes the job easier, and improves accuracy and efficiency. But I can't use them because the unit cost of the material increases."
However, if you visualize the Choco-stop loss and compare it as a cost, it is not expensive at all. In fact, abrasive materials can reduce the total cost.

チョコ停ロスとは チョコ停に伴い発生する以下のような損失What is Choco-stop Loss? The following losses occur due to Choco-stop.

  • チョコ停による

    Equipment stoppage time due to Choco-stop
    time charge

  • 復帰作業にあたる

    Personnel costs for reinstatement work

  • チョコ停に伴って

    Cost of defective products due to Choco-stop


Please calculate these costs and compare them with abrasive materials. Abrasive materials are not expensive at all.
Furthermore, given the shortage of manpower, is it okay to allocate valuable human resources to resolve Choco-stop? Maybe your time needs to be spent on more productive tasks? Isn't it necessary to consider such aspects as larger costs?