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- 社長メッセージ
社長メッセージCEO’s Message
技術はもとより、社員の若さとやる気、そして情熱が最大の強みThe Greatest Strength is Not Only Technology, But Also the Yonth, Motivation And Passion of Emoplotees
代表取締役社長 北原 一CEO Hajime Kitahara
Since our founding over 40 years ago, we have dedicated ourselves solely to the centerless grinding of long workpieces, honing our skills and expertise. While we may not offer other types of processing, our accumulated know-how in centerless grinding of long workpieces is unrivaled. The market for polished bar steel has been a driving force behind Japan's rapid economic growth since the Showa era, supporting high-precision and high-efficiency manufacturing. This market remains indispensable in the future world, which will increasingly compete in efficient manufacturing, and centerless grinding of long workpieces will continue to be an essential technology.
Although manufacturing sites are now highly digitized with technologies like CNC (Computer Numerical Control), centerless grinding remains an analog craft due to the lack of a reference (zero) point for numerical control. It is still a world of craftsmanship where technicians operate analog equipment based on their experience and intuition. However, this world of craftsmanship is facing an aging workforce and a shrinking industry capacity. Amidst this, our company boasts an average technician age of 32, with young engineers continually honing their skills daily. Our strength lies in the blend of 40 years of accumulated know-how and the vigor of young craftsmen.
Our mission and wish are to support Japan's high-efficiency manufacturing with our centerless grinding technology for the coming decades and to provide a platform for young people to excel in the manufacturing field.
経営理念Management Philosophy
人類・社会の進歩・発展に貢献するWe Manufacture the Best Centerless Grinding & Polishing Products,
Pursue the Physical and Mental Well-Being of All Employees,
Contribute to the Progress and Development of Human and Society
経営目標Management Goals
- ・20年後も安心して働ける職場をつくる
- ・仕事を通じて全従業員が成長できる会社を作る
- ・ Create a workplace where employees can work with peace of mind even after 20 years
- ・ Create a company where all employees can grow through work