センターレス研磨、精密丸棒、チョコ停対策、ステンレス鋼の加工なら精研工業株式会社 For centerless polishing, precision round bars, prevent shor-term stoppages, and stainless steel processing, Seiken Kogyo Co., Ltd.

海外拠点Overseas bases

私たちの海外拠点であるSiam Seiken Co.,Ltd.はタイ王国サムットプラカーン県にあります。タイは自動車やオートバイをはじめ、電気、医療、物流等、様々な設備メーカーが世界中から進出し、ASEAN最大の製造業の集積地となっております。



Our overseas base, Siam Seiken Co., Ltd., is located in Samut Prakan Province, Kingdom of Thailand. Thailand has become the largest concentration of manufacturing industries in ASEAN, with manufacturers of various equipment from all over the world, including automobiles, motorcycles, electrical, medical, and logistics, making inroads into Thailand.

In such places, we provide "Japanese level service provided by Thai people" to local Japanese companies.

Locally, we provide a wide range of services, including centerless polishing of steel, which is our main business, as well as cutting of steel bars and sales of custom-made metal parts. In particular, with centerless polishing, we manufacture polished steel bars with a diameter tolerance of 10μ and a length of 3000mm, which exceeds the processing level of our Japanese headquarters, and are used by local auto parts manufacturers and steel trading companies. In addition, our services are used by companies not only in Thailand but also in surrounding countries such as Vietnam and Indonesia.